Avoiding “Alert Fatigue”

Advances in computerized technology provide health care professionals with enhanced capability to monitor a wide variety of patient conditions and, hopefully, prevent adverse events.  However, with that comes a multitude of alerts, alarms and – in the case of ventilators and cardiac monitors – a cacophony of noise and flashing lights.  This has led to […]

“But I could lose my license!”

It seems like with every day that passes, RTs are having new responsibilities added to their roles.   While most – including the CRTO – view this evolution of the profession as a positive thing, RTs sometimes express concerns about what could happen if they embark on a new endeavour and something goes wrong.  One comment […]

Providing Culturally Competent Care

In the healthcare setting, cultural competence refers to the ability to provide appropriate and effective medical care to members of various cultural groups. RTs provide care to patients/clients with diverse values, beliefs and behaviours. A practitioner therefore must become competent in providing equitable care though the process of gaining a congruent set of behaviours and […]

Maintaining Professional Boundaries

The therapeutic relationship between an RT and his/her patient/client is one of empathy, trust and respect. It is important to acknowledge that there exists within this relationship an inherent power imbalance.  The RT has access to specialized knowledge, privileged information that the patient/client does not have.  The RT also has the ability to advocate on […]