As the 2022 Portfolio has come to a close, it is inspiring to see all the ongoing professional development that RT’s undertake.  In a climate where time is even more precious, and our commitments at work and at home seem at their greatest, the profession continues to excel.  By engaging, you are demonstrating that the care and safety of your patients and clients are at the highest possible standard.

Ongoing education is a legislative requirement of all healthcare professionals, but the thoughtfulness and intention in the Portfolios are impressive and appreciated. 

For those RT’s who are newer to the profession, the Portfolios are carefully reviewed and assessed by a team of trained and dedicated Assessors.  I want to take the time to thank each of them, for also giving their time to their colleagues and the profession by undertaking this role.

This was the first cycle that took place on PDKeepr and subsequently, there are a few notable differences.  The most important one for those submitting this year is that you will receive instant notification, via your email, when your Portfolio has been assessed.  If a coaching session is required, you will be notified of this also, and have the opportunity to review your Assessor’s comments before the session.  Please note that these sessions, which take place over the phone, are an opportunity for the Assessor to further understand your goals and learning activities.   As always, the CRTO welcomes feedback at anytime!

Kelly Arndt

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