Being a Professional

The reasons for joining the profession of Respiratory Therapy are as diverse as the individual practitioners themselves.  Some Respiratory Therapists (RTs) are attracted to a fast-paced environment where no two days are alike. Others enjoy being a valued part of the healthcare team, and the opportunity to make a very real different in the lives of their patients/clients.  RTs work in a wide variety of practice settings and possess a unique body of knowledge, as well as a broad range of skills. However, regardless of why they became an RT and where they work, the expectation that they engage in safe, ethical and competent professional practice remains the same for all CRTO Members.  Whether an RT is at the bedside or in the boardroom, the highest standards of professional practice, ethics and conduct must be maintained at all times.

In partnership with its Members and the broader healthcare community, the CRTO will continue to foster optimal professional practice by providing RTs with variety of guidance documents and education material. Some, such as the Standards of Practice document and the Mandatory Reporting Fact Sheets, outline legislative and regulatory practice requirements. Others, such as the A Commitment to Ethical Practice document, offer a framework by which RTs can navigate the complex ethical issues that are often encountered in daily practice. In addition, the CRTO has developed several e-learning modules to assist Members in their practice, such as Social Media Awareness for Regulated Healthcare Professionals.

Being a Professional Sections