Practice Guidelines

Professional Practice Guidelines

Although Professional Practice Guidelines (PPG) are not legislation, they are used by the CRTO to define appropriate professional standards of practice for Respiratory Therapy in Ontario.

Respiratory Therapists as Anesthesia Assistants

Since the initial Respiratory Therapists as Anesthesia Assistants Position Statement was developed in 2005, the RT/AA role has evolved and this necessitated the creation of a more expansive document that would allow the CRTO to provide greater clarity to our Members on a number of issues.

Visit Respiratory Therapists as Anesthesia Assistants PPG site at

Certification Programs for Advanced Prescribed Procedures Below the Dermis

Provides information regarding the certification programs that are currently required under Ont. Regulation 596/94 part VII – Prescribed Procedures. Component of the learning package and the processes for certification are outlined and the checklists provided.

Download PDF: Certification Programs for Advanced Prescribed Procedures Below the Dermis
Certification Programs for Advanced Prescribed Procedures Below the Dermis Checklist
Approved Certification Packages by Hospital

Community Respiratory Therapy Practice

The purpose of this PPG is to support Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRTs) who work in a community setting, which may include traditional locations such as patients’ homes and physicians’ offices, as well as non-traditional sites, such as schools and assisted living facilities.

Download PDF: Community Respiratory Therapy Practice

Updated! Conflict of Interest

Outlines what constitutes conflict of interest and provides direction for Members in dealing with conflict of interest situations.

Visit Conflict of Interest PPG site at

Delegation of Controlled Acts

Summarizes the standard of practice related to the delegation of controlled acts and contains flowsheets to aid in the determination of whether a Member can accept delegation or delegate a controlled act to someone else.

Visit Delegation of Controlled Acts PPG site at

Dispensing Medications

Provides specific information regarding the interpretation of the controlled act of dispensing in order to assist Members in determining what is and what is not dispensing and when accepting the delegation to dispense medication is appropriate.

Visit Administering & Dispensing Medications PPG site at


Outlines the standards and principles of proper medical documentation and deals with specific issues such as abbreviations, documentation of consent and electronic charting.

Visit Documentation PPG site at

Interpretation of Authorized Acts

This guideline provides information of the controlled acts authorized to Respiratory Therapists (RT) in the Respiratory Therapy Act (RTA). It contains examples under each act and it outlines the responsibilities of each RT to attain and upgrade relevant skills.

Visit Interpretation of Authorized Acts PPG site at

Orders for Medical Care

Provides information on what constitutes a valid medical order and outlines various forms of orders such as RT driven protocols and medical directives.

Download PDF: Orders for Medical Care

Abuse Awareness & Prevention

Defines what is abuse and outlines relevant legislation, reporting requirements and penalties. Guidelines for professional conduct are also discussed.

Visit Abuse Awareness &Prevention PPG site at

Registration and Use of Title

Outlines what constitutes the practice of respiratory therapy and what would be considered to be “holding out” to be a member of the profession. Classes of registration and a definition of what terms, conditions and limitations are also provided.

Visit Registration and Use of Title PPG site at

Respiratory Therapists Providing Education

Differentiates between teaching alone and teaching in order to delegate as well as provided information of working with NRHCPs and RT students.

Visit Respiratory Therapists Providing Education PPG site at

Respiratory Therapists Providing Virtual Care

Updated! Responsibilities Under Consent Legislation

This guideline provided information regarding what constitutes informed consent, and the determination of the capacity to consent. Issues around substitute decision makers and the Consent & Capacity Board are also discussed.

Visit Responsibilities Under Consent PPG site at


Clinical Best Practice Guidelines (CBPGs)

The Respiratory Therapy Act authorizes Respiratory Therapists to perform five controlled acts; one of which is prescribed procedures below the dermis. To assist its Members in providing safe and competent care when performing these procedures, the CRTO has developed a number of Clinical Best Practice Guidelines (CBPG). These CBPGs contains evidence-based clinical resources to support Respiratory Therapy practice by providing information on such elements as techniques, indications, contraindications, and risk factors, as well as procedure-specific complications and their management. These guidelines also serves to direct infection control practices related to these procedures, in order to minimize the incidence of infectious complications.

Updated! Infection Prevention & Control CBPG

This document has been developed in order to assist Respiratory Therapists in learning how to achieve quality infection control practices. The SARS epidemic in 2003, the H1N1 Pandemic of 2009 and the likelihood of another pandemic influenza, suggest it is vital that Respiratory Therapists keep well informed and educated regarding infection control best practices.

Visit the Infection Prevention & Control CBPG site at

Oxygen Therapy CBPG

This document has been developed in order to provide resources and tools for Respiratory Therapists who are independently administering oxygen and to mitigate the risks that may be associated with independently administering oxygen therapy in their clinical practice.

Visit Oxygen Therapy CBPG site at